No SPAM Policy

Our No SPAM Policy

Worried about spam?

Don’t be! Almost without exception, our customers have told us they hate unnecessary and intrusive emails and we’ve taken that on board. However, we do need your email address to send your quotes.

Your email address and contact information may be used only by us as outlined in our Privacy and Security statements and by the company that gives you the best quote but only for the period that your quote is valid.

We Don’t have an arrangements in place with the providers, intermediaries, and appointed representatives whose sites we visit using our technology to prevent email communications outside of these terms. Please let us know if you do experience any problems by emailing [email protected].

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Follow us on is an E-Channel of AL Ghandi Insurance LLC authorized and regulated by the Insurance Authority (IA) by the Central Bank. under Register number is 254, with permitted business activities being introducing, advising, arranging, dealing as an agent, and assisting in the administration and performance of general insurance contracts. You may check this by visiting the IA’s website, or by contacting the Central Bank on 800 22823.

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